Kids Activities and Events Chatham MA

Theme Parks near me in Chatham

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221.2 Miles
1172 State Route 9, Queensbury NY
Seasonal Summer

Pulse-pounding roller coasters to gentler options for tots. Cool off at Splashwater Kingdom or take a break at one of our entertaining shows. Catch a bite at one of our restaurants and don't forget to pick up your souvenirs so you can remember the day!

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223.2 Miles
1912 U.S. 9, Lake George NY
Seasonal Summer

Lake George Expedition Park is home of Magic Forest and Dino Roar Valley. Where imagination meets history. Come see animatronic dinosaurs and enjoy some classic rides

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Queensbury NY | Lake George NY |

The Best Family-Friendly Activities Chatham MA

Disclaimer: IHaveKids DOES NOT guarantee listings are correct or up to date. We strongly advise that you check business websites or call ahead for the most up-to-date information on possible limited hours and whether reservations are necessary or not.