Kids Activities and Events Gansevoort NY

Local Parks near me in Gansevoort

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8.8 Miles
112 High Rock Avenue, Saratoga Springs NY
Seasonal Summer

POP Club is a free 10-week program held on Wednesdays at the farmers' market. Children may show up any time between 3-6 pm to participate in a fun, educational activity.

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34.4 Miles
Ganser Smith Memorial Park, Menands NY

Ganser Smith Memorial Park is a local Menand's park that has a children's playground, baseball field and basketball court.

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Saratoga Springs NY | Menands NY |

The Best Family-Friendly Activities Gansevoort NY

Disclaimer: IHaveKids DOES NOT guarantee listings are correct or up to date. We strongly advise that you check business websites or call ahead for the most up-to-date information on possible limited hours and whether reservations are necessary or not.